Life is meant to be celebrated!
It is supposed to be meaningful through the experiences we have but, in a world where we are so focused on the cost of living, it is vital that we remind ourselves of the value of life. Of all the reasons, the ways, the how’s, the when’s, the why’s that life is amazing and worth celebrating, especially when we feel ourselves dwelling in the fear, worry, pressure, schedule and stress that causes us to forget to treasure life.
Start by celebrating the fact that you are alive!

Take a few moments every morning to simply breathe and feel your heart beating deep within the core of your being. Enjoy a few minutes of peace over a morning cup of coffee, feel the warmth, enjoy the smell and give thanks for the amazing day that is coming your way.
When life becomes overwhelming, as it tends to do, we can easily forget how to celebrate life and to radiate a little joy, fun and awe in our lives. Happiness is a feeling, but joy is an attitude and the more you celebrate life, the more you will find in life to celebrate.
Here are 11 simple suggestions that you can include any day or… every day.
1) Wake up and live each day as though it is your first and your last. Blink your eyes open. Stretch and be grateful in your body. Show up to each daily task with excitement. Notice everything with awe and wonder.

2) Focus on the bright side of life. Write a list or a letter to yourself that includes all the great things in and about your life. People, places, events, feelings, moments, foods… everything you love! Write it all down and add to it daily. Read it to remind yourself about the things you appreciate in your life.

3) Slow down and relax. Get comfy, cozy, snuggly and safe in a favourite space – indoors or out. Create a special nest just for you where you can sit and, reflect and just BE. Nature is a gift that soothes the soul and heals the body and stillness allows us space to become.

4) Smile & laugh. Anytime. Always. Whether you feel like it or not. These are physical expressions of joy that can heal and make you feel better. Don’t judge yourself… learn to laugh at yourself! Know that your inner being sees you in all your perfection and beauty.

5) Exercise. Just do it! It doesn’t have to be much, but move, stretch, dance, walk, swim. Movement is great for the mind, body and Soul. It brings us back into balance and harmony with ourselves and is a great way to celebrate what your body can do.

6) Go out and play! Pick flowers, splash in a puddle, sit in a swing… better yet, go down a slide. Chase butterflies, make mud pies, do finger painting, blow bubbles. We live once and growing older doesn’t have to mean growing up and forgetting how to play.

7) Be bold and explore something new. Step out of your comfort zone can be so empowering! Consider things that you would have never before done… Take yourself out for dinner. Sign up for a new course. Go on retreat by yourself. Wear that red dress you love but have never worn.

8) Take time to really see the people around you. We are often so close and comfortable with those around us that we can take them for granted. Take time to really see the family and friends that are present in your life. Appreciate and celebrate EVERY fun and crazy trait they have.

9) Let go of the past and step into the present. Holding on to the past only takes your attention away from what is happening here and now. Sadness, regrets, anger and fear, these things filter our ability to see what is right in front of us. Appreciate all the feelings… all the emotions… and then let go and let joy fulfil you.

10) Think BIG and believe that anything is possible. A dream is only a dream until it isn’t. By keeping imagination alive, hope can thrive and with joyous energy like that… anything is possible! Keep an open mind be open to whatever comes your way because things often show up in mysterious ways.

11) Write your personal purpose statement. his This is the ultimate way to live by joyous intention and with power and purpose. You can write a statement that changes once a year, once a week or every day if you like. Write “Today I am…” and stick it on your fridge or somewhere you will see it regularly. You can celebrate life by choosing to empower positivity in this way.

There are endless other ways and reasons to celebrate life every day because every day and every moment should be treasured. We only take so many breaths in our lifetime and each one should be filled with hope, wonder and ease. Celebrate your accomplishments. Celebrate your relationships. Celebrate what you are learning. Celebrate what you can do. Celebrate what you can choose to be.
Celebrate the big things and the little things that make your life special with grace, gratitude and gusto!
Celebrate who YOU are!... because you are a beautiful gift.
Kylie xx

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You only have to pause from a moment in this world of perpetual rushing to feel like life is passing you by… we have been conditioned this way.
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Be more. Caught up in time and filling our space, mind, homes, hearts with 'stuff'... so we invite you along this journey to give yourself permission to CELEBRATE life.
Life is about the little things and learning to appreciate every experience in your life and the lives that came before you to enable you to be here… in this moment!
We invite you to a 7 day practice to help you embody this a little more and to be more intentional about how you see yourself, how you live and what you do.
Mini Journey - Celebrate Life
Enjoy this 7 step program over as many days as you like; using it to tune in and connect to your own animal allies.
Throughout the process you will find some broad ideas within which I know you will discover more moments of joy and celebration… because there really are a million ways!
All you need is an open heart and to gift yourself 5-10 minutes for each day of the practice.
We have included 7 daily tasks that include a recorded prayer or meditation, questions for you to answer and a supportive online chat group with the ability to share your experiences and gain additional insights.
$4.99 as a one off purchase or FREE as a Soul Connection member.
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Embody all of who you are! You are a beautiful gift 🌹