Take a journey with us...
to the Home of Who You Are
Soul Connection
a membership for you and your beautiful soul to reconnect
remembering your relationship with Nature and the Universe through aligning
mind, heart, spirit and body
Soul Connection is the awareness of YOUR unique way to experience wellness, balance and self-empowerment. It is the recognition of a Truth that resides deep within - that whispers
"you are who you are, for a reason."
Your natural connection to this Truth is enhanced every time you engage in a little self-compassion, every time you choose to practice a moment of self-care, every time you witness the relationship between your own life and the energetic vibration of the Universe.
This... is your Soul Connection.

This is for you if...
You feel out of touch, unfulfilled and disconnected from the greater world around you...
You question the ways and reasons in which events unfold in your life...
You struggle to hear the wisdom of your own inner voice...
You intuitively sense that there is more to life or that something is missing from your present experience...
You desire to connect with a supportive, compassionate community of others on their own Soul Journey...
May You Find Yourself At Home Here
For the investment of
$5.50 AU per week or $22 AU per month
Cancel Anytime

Together, we will take a journey through...
Strengthening your understanding of the natural, outer world and how this relates to your personal, inner world.
Sharing practical, easy-to-follow concepts and ideas that are interactive, fun and easy to include in your daily life.
Supporting the rediscovery of your deeper level of Truth through self-understanding, awareness and love.
Helping you develop healthy patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour.
Showing you the value of holistic integration - incorporating the mind, the heart, the spirit and the body in everything you do.
Bringing you together with others who desire the same level of freedom, abundance and love that you do.

Choose your level of guidance
Soul Connection
5.50$Every weekSoul Connection
22$Every monthSame inclusions, pay monthly
'Home Of Who You Are'
Weekly Forecast

Tune into the primary planetary energy each week and learn to decode your personal strengths, blockages and potential with the language and movement of the stars.
Online Courses

Short 7 day online courses for you to join each month. From 5 minutes a day, take advantage of these moments for clearing and strengthening the mind, heart, spirit and body.
Soul Circle

Join us live each month for a Soul Circle where we meet online to share and support one another along our Soul's Journey.
Weekly Card Reading

Intuitive Tarot card readings offer an inclusive perspective over the energy and potential of each week. Receive for the questions you find yourself asking each week.
Tarot Card Readings

Receive your very own personal Tarot 12 month reading - giving you a card forecast for every month, specifically chosen with intention for you.
Live Tuesday Choice

Join Tracy live every week for a one card reading. Ask a question and receive real time guidance and insight.
DIY Card Readings

Access our library of DIY card readings -choose a deck to work with your own intuition whenever you like.
Moon Phases & Rituals

Follow the Moon phases to help better understand your emotional connection to the phases. Monthly overviews and full access to our Moon ritual and ceremony library.
Monthly Astrology

When you know what lays ahead you can better prepare yourself to rise to the challenge of facing what appears. We work with the bigger picture.
It is time to do something - for you!
$5.50 (AU)
Monthly payment option also available.
All those moments you caught yourself on the verge of momentous change, but were caught by "reality"... we see you.
All those times you told yourself that next time would be different... we hear you.
All those times you felt like you were the only one experiencing this type of separation and disconnect... we acknowledge you.
All those times you put yourself last by not honouring your own emotions, your own voice and your own time... we value you.
Work with us...
we help you to develop healthy patterns of thought, feelings and behaviours.
we guide you to a better understanding of the natural outside world and how this relates to you inner world. Through easy to follow concepts and ideas that are interactive and fun
you discover your own deeper level of self understanding, awareness and love
our program isn't restricted to just one part of you. This isn't just mindfulness, or body health, or spiritual understanding, or meditation - we incorporate the mind, the heart, the spirit and the body
it's not hard work and you don't have to do it alone.
We take you through each part of self understanding, mindfulness, connection, and linking the inner self with the outer self, giving you the opportunity to live your best life with freedom, abundance, flow and love.
As soon as you join you unlock access to your exclusive Home Of Who You Are member area.
The HOME of
A complete centre of balance and well-being, connecting your mind, heart, spirit and body.
An un-learning of the distortions, so that you may heal and once again feel
rich, strong, complete and FREE!

if you want something different
it's time to do something different
... we transform the mind
... and then we integrate the head, the heart and the hand.
New thinking. New feelings. New inspired action.

Ebony, Tracy & Kylie
With over 57 years of combined experience, study and teachings, Soul Connection brings you the best of what we have to offer.
No matter where you are and what you need more of in your life, we are able to provide you with professional and quality expertise stemming from qualifications in multiple areas of holistic health including yoga, alchemy, qigong, meditation, counselling, body healing, health and nutrition, Spiritual awareness and coaching, aromatherapy, massage, sound therapy, emotional freedom, astrology/tarot, crystal/colour therapy, shadow work, dream analysis, sacred ritual & ceremony, esoteric wisdom, visualisation and breathwork.
We work together to understand who you are and to nurture and develop every aspect of
mind, heart, spirit and body.
This is true Soul Connection.
This is your true Soul Journey.
Choose your level of guidance
Soul Connection
5.50$Every weekSoul Connection
22$Every monthSame inclusions, pay monthly
that you have found yourself here for a reason...