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Card 3

Card 3


This card heralds the fact that you are to be recognised and highlighted for what you have completed and accomplished. Realising our full potential and feeling full of confidence for a job well done. Expect compliments and congratulations, awards and honours. If you are waiting on results for something or an answer - the outcome looks positive. Allow yourself to dream and revel in your achievements. Enjoy the attention and the spotlight.

Don't get ahead of yourself or let the praise go to your head, remain grounded and grateful for all those that helped and supported you along the way.

Of course, there is always the other shadow aspect and I felt a particular need to mention it with this card. Are you feeling seen? Heard? Noticed at all? Do you feel overwhelmed and run down, spinning your wheels, but getting nowhere? This card comes to you at this moment to remind you that nothing stays for ever - we all have ebbs and flows such as these, each of us feel helpless at times. Remember that you are not alone here and there are others that understand. If you are feeling like this, let's start with one simple compliment - right now, tell yourself some kind words of self appreciation, self awareness and self love. Tell yourself what an amazing individual, doing amazing things and that you are never alone.

This card feels as though it is more important for us to recognise and pay homage to ourselves than to wait for others to recognise our achievements. This isn't to say that we won't receive praise for our accomplishments, more so that when we chose to focus ourselves on what we CAN do right now and how far we have come - we shine a light bright enough for others to not only see our path, but to also see their own.

Be sure to do something special to reward yourself.

Dearest Soul

Ever have those days when you just feel wobbly, unclear, and out of alignment with the person that you feel you are... or want to be?

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When you attune your mind, heart, spirit and body to the natural cycles of the earth, you automatically harmonize and then your work, health, wealth, relationships, and life become more supportive, stable and free.

We invite you to remember your divine connection, to realign with your natural rhythm for living and to come home to who you are!

Get back in touch with your natural flow and love for life!

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