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Rising I AM

  • 24 Steps


Inspired by the culmination of Mercury and Aries, this journey is to support you in creating a deeper merging of spirit with the form life of matter by hopefully inspiring you on a quest for greater self-knowledge. As part of this journey, we must each learn to create a balance of our old experiences and perceived identity with introspection and new experiences. As part of this process, we work to realise our potential, our purpose and our capacity to act on that potential and purpose. The search for our true selves, therefore: essentially lays buried beneath the surface of our experiential lives and our task is to sift through the distraction to find, recognise, or innerstand exactly what it is that already exists within. The I AM that you are emerges only to the degree that you allow it. Take a journey with us.

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Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From $5.50/week

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Nadora Journey Group

Nadora Journey Group

Private 6 Members


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